
歌曲:Can′t Let Go
分类:休闲娱乐 发表于:2010-06-11 10:31:06 评论(0)

歌曲:Can't Let Go -《新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦》的英文版歌曲

only you know how I feel

only you know what I means

can't you see you just what I need

after all that we've been through

after all i've done for you

you should know my love is for real

am I asking for too much

and I waiting for too long?

All I need is your tender touch.

Don't you know i'm on my knees?

Don't you know i'm begging please

won't you take a look at me now?

No matter how hard i've tried

can get you out my mind

i'm just don't know what to do

to have you back here again

I can't let go ,can't let you go

i'm hurting don't you know

all my love goes to show

I can't go on without you

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